Most of the time I have to simply and fastly format a linux device. Im used to GParted tool but for simple partitioning schema I prefer the terminal console. Let’s format a device with GPT schema and ext4 filesystem.
Install the required software
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install parted
To identify the device you run the below command before & after to plug-in the device and compare the output. If you already know your configuration, it will be easier.
Create a variable with the device name
Create a variable with the device label
Format it with the GPT schema
sudo parted "$mydev" mklabel gpt
Create only one partition (ignore the error)
sudo parted -a opt "$mydev" mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
Format it as EXT4 and take the ownership
sudo mkfs.ext4 -E root_owner="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -L "$mylab" "$mydev"p1
Create a variable with the image file name
Create a variable with the device label
Create a variable with the size of disk in MB
Create the image file using dd
command with size in MB (100MB in example)
sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="$myfile" bs=1M count="$mysize"
Mount the file as loop device
sudo losetup -fP "$myfile"
Identify the loop device added (/dev/loopX) and create the variable to store it
mydev="$(sudo losetup -j "$myfile"|cut -d: -f1)"
Format it with the GPT schema
sudo parted "$mydev" mklabel gpt
Create only one partition (ignore the error)
sudo parted "$mydev" mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
Format it as EXT4 and take the ownership
sudo mkfs.ext4 -E root_owner="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -L "$mylab" "$mydev"p1
Unount the file as loop device
sudo losetup -d "$mydev"
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